Charles Edwards
This firm of manufacturing silversmiths, established in 1865 according to their illustrated catalogues published in the 1920s, commenced trading under the name of William & Charles Edwards. The first marks being entered by William Edwards from 12 Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell, EC, where they are listed until 1878 as working silversmiths. Thereafter, marks were entered from the same address, first by Thomas Edwards, followed by Charles Edwards.
Afterwards, trading under his own name, Charles Edwards moved to 2A Northampton Square, Clerkenwell, where from 1879 he is listed as a silversmith and again before 1884 to 8 Northampton Square, Clerkenwell, EC. Continuing to trade under the style of Charles Edwards, the firm was subsequently taken over by Charles Albert Eldridge (1889 - 1968), who registered his own mark at Goldsmiths' Hall on 26 August 1924.
In 1958, the business was converted into a limited liability company as C. Edwards Ltd but was sold and closed a couple of years later.