The use of cigars in the UK only came into vogue in the early part of the 19th century. Cigars were first sold in bundles covered with pigs’ bladders (these bundles also tended to contain a vanilla pod to improve the smell). In 1830, the firm H.Upmann started shipping cigars to London for their directors in sealed cedar boxes, thus beginning the practice of keeping cigars in a wooden box. The use of cedar was particularly popular as it helped prevent cigars from drying out and aided the maturing process.
Higher quality boxes were needed to house this luxurious commodity so silver boxes with the cedar wood interiors became popular.
Cigarette smoking has become the most common method of tobacco consumption. The word “cigarette” is the French diminutive of “cigare” (cigar), from the Spanish “cigarro.” The French word was adopted by English in the 1840s. The use of tobacco in cigarette form became increasingly popular during and after the Crimean War in the 1850s.
Here at William Walter Antiques, we have a large selection of boxes. Are you looking for a special gift for the cigar or cigarette lover in your life as these beautiful boxes make the perfect addition to any collection, and will be cherished for years to come.